Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Do You Connect With Family Who Lives Far Away?

In this day and age of computers, we have many more options than snail mail to connect with others.  The communication can take all sorts of forms, depending mostly on the computer savvy of the people interested in communicating with each other.

Skype.  You and family or friends can set up a free account with Skype that allows free international phone calls along with the capapbility to use a webcam so you can see each other as you talk.  This is especially fun with new babies who can't talk - but family can see the little cherub!

Flip Camera. This little handy camera is this generation's version of the home movie camera.  It's great for short movies or little one-sided excerpts from life that you can share through YouTube.  Very fun!

Email.  Not as personal and possibly not as exciting as receiving snail mail, but fast and convenient!  This is the most popular form of contemporary communication - perhaps even beating out texting (which many family members don't enjoy) as well as the telephone!

If you have a way you like to communicate with your family that isn't listed, feel free to add your suggestions!  The world gets smaller every day and keeping in touch with loved ones makes everyone's world a better place.

 Copyright 2010 Heather Corwin

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