Guidelines to land the job:
- If you've already said you are available for some times, make sure you're available. Unless you have another call back that is equally important, do NOT say you have other plans. This implies you don't care about the project.
- Be prompt and prepared. If you're supposed to print out something and have it prepared, make sure you do so. NOT doing so insures you NOT getting cast.
- If you have questions about a character or the story, try to see how other people may have addressed this in other productions (if applicable) so that you have some ideas of how to address your challenge when you get to it.
- A kind actor will get cast faster and more often than a talented undependable person. The things you have under control should be under your control (on time, memorized, available when needed, etc.)
- Dress the part. If you have any idea of what the director might be going for, OR YOU have an idea of how you'd like to make a choice regarding a character - DO IT. Choices are what you get hired for, even if they may not have originally been the director's inclination.
Copyright 2014 Heather Corwin