Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Push Your Limits

There are times in life when you have skills that can be put to the test by giving yourself, or someone giving you, a challenge that tests those skills and refines them.  Scary?  Youbetcha!  Worth it?  Youbetcha!

As a student of psychology and a teacher of acting, I just directed a terrific show that challenged me, the students in the show, and the audiences who attended.  Because the devised original work was silent and behavior based, the students didn't know what we were doing (at first) and the audience seemed skeptical.  (SILENT VOICES, image to right)

What happened was magical!  The students became an ensemble; each trusted and supported the other.  Each student learned more about who s/he is and how s/he is in the world.  Theater is about humanity.  What connects us as people is what stirs the human spirit - that we are living and breathing in front of each other allows the experience of the actors and audience to be visceral.  That is what I love about directing.  Education allows me to set the stage, so to speak, and work with students long enough to be able to PLAY as we create.

Well, I'm going to be directing at PCC again and I'm playing with the two styles that ignite my imagination the most: farce and the Greeks!  Watch out, PCC, you're in for a human experience AGAIN!

Copyright 2012 Heather Corwin

Monday, June 25, 2012

Some Days You Just Have to Get Creative

As a student, I'm strapped for cash.  As a mother, I have to be innovative.  As a wife, I have to be strategic in romance (gone are the spontaneous dates).  Can I have it all?  Well, I do enjoy my life - but there's always a cost, isn't there?  I get to have the experiences I desire (earn Ph.D., married to my dream guy, cute child, run my own wellness studio, and teach at colleges).  But when does that all come together to culminate in life satisfaction?

I don't think it does until I'm done with my Ph.D.   Sigh.  To get what I'm after in my life, which is more time to enjoy the fruits of my labor, I have to be done with the labor part.  I'm certainly laboring.

If you're struggling with where you are in life and see where you want to go - from what seems like a far distance, know that you are already ahead of the game because you can see where you want to go.  Most people don't know what they want out of life so they can't pursue anything.  I see it.  Plainly.  And it's so close!

The hardest distance is the last mile after running a marathon.  I'm there.  Now I'll try to rally my energy to get to the finish line!  If I can do it, so can you!  "Go [boldly or] confidently in the direction of your dreams..."

Copyright 2012 Heather Corwin

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Time For Chage?

As humans, we are drawn to the guise that if we create a routine, we are safe.  As a result, any deviation from that routine can be unsettling.  But life is a continuum of change!  We're always growing, changing, and moving - even when we're still.  You breathe, right?  So where is the middle ground of finding the steps to take to continually assure yourself that you're in the best and happiest place for you to flourish?

My way of happiness management, as I sometimes call it, is to look around and see the holes in my life.  I'm one of those lucky people who know what I want in life.  I know my careers, how to develop and add to skills that make me more employable in those areas.  I picked a dreamy and wonderful man who understands me and supports me in my life quests.  I have a terrific little girl who astounds me daily with her giggles and demands.  I live in a place where opportunity abounds.

Now, sometimes, I question the easier parts of my equation: am I living in the best place for my family so we can all have a happy life?  When I went to Canada recently and saw the sky for the first time in years (LA does NOT offer appropriately breathtaking sky views due to smog), I began to wonder at the wisdom of living in LA.  The truth is, after living many places throughout the world in my adult life, I acknowledge every place will have pluses and minuses.  But where are the places I draw the line(s)?

The bottom line is, my pledge to myself and my family is to remain curious about my choices so I can best serve myself and my family.  I will continue to seek out options for us to make sure we are living the best lives.  Sometimes that might mean change, sometimes that might mean affirmation of the life we now live.  That's why life is an adventure!

Copyright 2012 Heather Corwin

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Scar Doesn't Have to be Traumatic

When I look down at my leg and see the left over bruises from falling in the boat after hitting an unseen rock, I don't curse that healing mark - I'm glad it's there.  As I'm in my every day routine, I forget that I was just in the Canadian forest by way of a puddle plane fishing my heart out with my family catching 30 inch fish that gave me a great fight.

What I get to celebrate through this soon-to-be scar is the fact that this really happened.  I really went to the Canadian wilderness, stayed in a lodge with my family, and caught awesome fish.

Sometimes scars don't traumatize, they make me realize that I'm alive.  I'm not hoping to be hurt, but I am glad when I can find a good reason to remember why the hurts exist: to remind me that I can live large and be happy.

Embrace your scars!

Copyright 2012 Heather Corwin