the stressors that are filling my life at an UN-ignorable decibel level. When I feel bad, this is my body's way of saying, "hey, calm down. You need to rest today and take care of yourself." When I was younger, I just plowed through these signs and then got sick. Now that I'm older, half the time I jump straight into unwell.
These times are not unique in my body being clear about sending me signs that are terrific warnings for me. When my hair stands up on end, I know something is going on that requires more attention int the moment. When I get a sensation in the pit of my stomach, I stop everything and listen. When I want to be alone more than anything, I find a way to do that, even if in short spurts. My body is loud when it signals to me. I'm thankful, even when I don't want to listen.
Today I have a burning in my throat and an ear infection. I didn't listen soon enough and now I'm paying the price in pain. Pain is the body's last resort to signal something needs to change in behavior. Got it.
May your Spring be filled with signals you hear, your health be vigorous, and your laughter heal your heart.
Copyright 2018 Heather L. Corwin, Ph.D.
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