Sunday, February 24, 2019

Unplugging Increases Happiness

I'm so tired of witnessing the pointless arguing on Facebook about why someone's ideas or morals are better than another's.  Or conspiracy theories about why the world is the way it is.  To the best of my ability of late, I've stayed away from posting political posts.  I've also stayed away from much of Facebook because engaging that way with people doesn't make me happy.  There are many studies out at present that support the idea that if you stay off social media, you may not be as up on current events, but you will be happier.  I vote for a happier existence.

What can you do?  On your phone, remove social media platforms and messaging.  Try it for a week and note how you feel in doing so.  You might have a little anxiety about not being in as good of touch with people, but you might also feel relief at not having your core beliefs questioned- or reading statements from people you love who disappoint you in their point of views and unflinching judgements.  In truth, you might be complicit in judging as well (as I know I have been).  Why spend the brain power on interactions you can't change?  Research has demonstrated that changing someone's mind via social media is as likely as a comet hitting you on your commute to work this morning.

If you're feeling anxious and possible dread the state of the world, I encourage you to examine how you're receiving information.  Find ways to engage in the world that support your wellness.  Try unplugging.  See what that experiment does for your well-being.  Let us know what you think!!

Copyright 2019 Dr. Heather L. Corwin

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