Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Holidays...Already?

That was my first thought when I went to Home Depot the other day upon viewing rows of Christmas trees and October.  Really?  Am I just getting more weary because I'm older or is consumerism, in fact, becoming more pronounced?  Maybe both?  Either way, I started to think about how I want to spend the holidays this year.  Last year I was healing from having my little girl at home; I'll spare you the details.  This year, I am well and can celebrate the holidays with cheer.  But where should we celebrate as a family?

My first reaction was with my husband's family because they're within driving distance.  That was our plan.  But then my husband and I started to think about the travel hassles, how our little girl doesn't love to be still for long (let alone a five hour drive), and how we have weathered a hell of a year.  Our revised plan is to stay home and rest.

While I don't think this plan went over well with our family, it sure does make my heart feel cozy.  Holidays are for creating family traditions and celebrating the gifts we have enjoyed during the year.  My husband and I are new parents with a spectacular little girl!  What's not to celebrate?  We made it through the sleep deprivation and are now on our way to laughing often and looking at every day as a fun adventure rather than something to slog through.  Plus, I'm almost done with my Ph.D. coursework, something I never thought would actually come to pass.  I have one more semester and then it's just writing the dissertation.  Phew!  Then all I have to do is land a professorship!  :-D

No matter how you choose to celebrate your holidays this year, follow your heart.  Life has challenges - so make your heart happy the best you know how.  And if you happen to cringe when you see the rows of Christmas decorations at any given store, know that you're not alone.  Find your reason for the season!
Copywright 2011 Heather Corwin

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