Friday, July 6, 2012

Pleasures Can Outweigh Worry

When speaking with a client today, I was reminded that every person needs to have at least ONE person in life who can be counted on for a bad movie in jammies with a side of ice cream and popcorn.  In grad school, my roommate and I would have a theme night of "I'm glad that's not me!" and we'd watch movies like ENOUGH all the while saying things during the movie like, "Wow... I'm glad that's not me."  Sometimes because we didn't have to say lines like the actors did and other times because we were glad we didn't have a hot man who was sadistic try to marry one of us because he just wanted to kill one of us.  I digress.

There are times in our lives when we might have heavier hearts than we should try to carry alone.  Grief, getting let go from a job, quitting a job, ending a relationship all can be better weathered with a great friend, some junk food (or carrots), and laughter.  The important part here is the laughter.  The body recovers far less quickly from a devastation without support and resources (like laughter) to help bring perspective and levity to the truth: this too shall pass.

So the next time you feel like you've been kicked in the teeth, put on your jammies and call over a friend for a night of bad movies.  I promise, it will cheer you up.  It's never failed me yet!

Copyright 2012 Heather Corwin

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