Saturday, September 21, 2013

Gift Giving

Well, I would love to be one of those people that somehow intuits the perfect gift for people I love, but it's not usually my strong suit.  I don't know if that lack of insight makes me a bad friend, but I do know that truth makes me uncomfortable giving gifts sometimes.

A dear friend of mine has a policy that he doesn't give gifts to people on the occasions that most people are socially pressured to give (holidays, birthdays, etc.).  When I heard that, I thought, "now that's a cool idea."  I also felt relief.  Until I thought about the reactions of my family and friends who would give me the WTF attitude for being selfish and not reciprocating.

My adult strategy around gift giving is to purchase things throughout the year to give people I love at the designated times.  These gifts were purchased during travel usually, which made the travel more expansive and enjoyable for me.  That worked until I had a child.  I wish my perception of gifts had to do with the thought more than the thing.  My family has never been humble, charming, or kind when giving or receiving gifts. The experience is more like hazing at a brutal fraternity house.  Perhaps this is my problem.

Regardless, I'm back to knowing that I have to buy gifts on demand.  I like giving gift cards.  However, I'm usually a bargain shopper so the loot I purchase is usually worth more than a gift card; that's frustrating.  I'm an Amazon prime member, so there's that.  Oh, hell.  Most the people I know already have too much stuff and don't need anymore.

What's your strategy?

Copyright 2013 Heather Corwin

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