Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stress Gets To Me

There are days that have more challenge in them than others.  Days when I might wake up with a headache that's debilitating or when I know I've over-booked myself.  Those days tend to be the ones I'd rather stay home in my most comfy PJ's and watch Netflix's best.  But I'm not in a position to be able to blow off life whenever I want to anymore.  I am a wife, mother, teacher, student, and tired.

So when do I get a break?  To minimize the stress, I try to get bodywork.  And, as cliche as it sounds, I need to do yoga or dance or some sort of physical release to maintain a semblance of wellness in my mind AND body.  They're one.  So when I wake up in the middle of the night because my neck hurts, chances are my life is over-full and I'm stressed about something.

What's odd is that there is a phenomenon that happens when I get stressed and I see this same pattern all over the place: when I'm stressed, I stop doing the very things that would make me feel better (like yoga).  That's an odd thing to do, but I think I do that because I want to believe I have control over my life (which is a myth anyway).  If I stop doing some things (which I can control), I will then feel better about my life.

This is the part where I just have to throw in the towel and say that nothing I'm doing in my life is under life and death circumstances.  I have things I enjoy to do, things I am responsible for doing, but life will go on whether or not I think I can control it.  Here's where I'd like to write a sunny solution for my problem, but I don't have one.  Sigh.  I just have to live through it and this too shall pass.

Copyright 2013 Heather Corwin

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