Saturday, September 7, 2013

Worth the Wait

As I'm climbing this hill - er - rugged mountain of life, I'm constantly reminded that there are other people in my world who can help be become a better person.  Conversely, there are those the instinctively know how to find my weaknesses.  This past week I've been reminded that I ache to be a full-time tenure track professor again.

I'm reminded that my patience is waning, as if I had much to begin with! Thankfully, I was validated by a faculty search that included me in the top two final candidates recently.  This was a school I'm confident I would have loved working with people who were terrific.  But it wasn't a match for my family.  Life gets complicated.

So I wait.  If you are waiting for that thing that you've been dedicating your life to finding, you are NOT alone.  I take comfort in the fact that I WILL get what I'm working toward.  If I didn't believe, what would all this hard work be for?  I know all I'm doing is making me a better person, so there's that benefit.

Here's my hope for the day: May everyone who  is working toward a goal have some validation and hope that the goal will come to pass.  Soon!  Have a great day!

Copyright 2013 Heather Corwin

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