Saturday, September 14, 2013

Growing up Fast

Do you have memories of yourself as a little person?  My most profound memories include people, in two usual places: home or at the summer cottage my grandfather built.  Do you remember what those places and people inspired you to think about?

When I think of what I used to dream about as a little girl, most of my thoughts were about the man I would love, what amazing job I would have, and how I would treat my children.  I remember life seeming unfair because even if my mom or dad asked me my opinion about some things, I still had to do what they wanted.  Now that I'm a mom, I get it.

A dear friend of mine and I were talking about raising children and she said she continually asks her children, "what's mommy's number one job?"  Their answer is "to keep me safe."  That's a mantra that I've shared with my little girl to help her ease through the endless "why?!?'s" of a two-year-old.  Sometimes life just isn't fair. However, I know my little girl is soothed by the fact that my job is to keep her safe.

We grow up and our parents aren't able to control us anymore.  Sometimes they might make the foolish attempt to try, but the fact is we are our own protectors now.  We each have the ability to determine if we are safe or not.  Similarly, we each have the ability to be happy or not.  If you can think with your inner child's voice and listen to what makes you happy and what you WANT to do, DO IT.  Understand that risks to pursue careers are separate from keeping yourself safe.  Know your limits and ride the edge of your comfort zone!

Happy surfing!

2013 Copyright Heather Corwin

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