Wednesday, January 4, 2012


There are days where no matter what I do, I just can't seem to be comfortable in my skin.  Some of these days are inspired by lack of sleep, hormones, or simply needing to take care of others.  Other times I wonder what the restlessness is about.

I am a firm believer in pursuing the career that makes you happy - and I'm doing that.  I am an educator, wellness facilitator, wife to a wonderful husband, mom to a sweet pea, and Ph.D. student.  All of these things make me happy.  Plus, I've already acknowledged that too much of a good thing can make me unhappy too.  So what's missing or needed that I'm NOT doing?

Motion.  All my life I've loved to move and stretch and dance.  The past two years have been so full that I've either not been able to or not had the energy to move in an enthusiastic stretch.  In truth, I just wanted to nap if I had the time!  But as the restlessness creeps into my skin, I recognize my need to move.

So, with a joyful heart, I'm off to MOVE!  Let the restlessness dance right out of my soul!

Copyright 2012 Heather Corwin

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